Project 5: The Pioneer Shell

Due Friday, December 6, 10:00PM

This assignment is from CSE29 SP24, which has its own list of acknowledgments!

Learning Goals

This assignment calls upon many of the concepts that you have practiced in previous PAs. Specfically, we will practice the following concepts in C:

  • string manipulation using library functions,
  • command line arguments,
  • process management using fork(), exec(), and wait(), and of course,
  • using the terminal and vim.

We'll also get practice with a new set of library functions for opening, reading from, and writing to files.


Throughout this quarter, you have been interacting with the ieng6 server via the terminal – you’ve used vim to write code, used gcc and make to compile, used git to commit and push your changes, etc. At the heart of all this lies the shell, which acts as the user interface for the operating system.

At its core, the shell is a program that reads and parses user input, and runs built-in commands (such as cd) or executable programs (such as ls, gcc, make, or vim).

As a way to wrap up this quarter, you will now create your own shell (a massively simplified one of course). We shall call it–

The Pioneer Shell

The PIoneer SHell, or as we endearingly call it, pish (a name with such elegance as other popular programs in the UNIX world, e.g., git).

Interactive Mode

Your basic shell simply runs on an infinite loop; it repeatedly–

  • prints out a prompt,
  • reads keyboard input from the user
  • parses the input into a command and argument list
  • if the input is a built-in shell command, then executes the command directly
  • otherwise, creates a child process to run the program specified in the input command, and waits for that process to finish

This mode of operation is called the interactive mode. The other mode you will need to implement is–

Batch Mode

Shell programs (like bash, which is what you have been using on ieng6) also support a batch execution mode, i.e., scripts. In this mode, instead of printing out a prompt and waiting for user input, the shell reads from a script file and executes the commands from that file one line at a time.

In both modes, once the shell hits the end-of-file marker (EOF), it should call exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) to exit gracefully. In the interactive mode, this can be done by pressing Ctrl-D.

Parsing Input

Every time the shell reads a line of input (be it from stdin or from a file), it breaks it down into our familiar argv array.

For instance, if the user enters "ls -a -l\n" (notice the newline character), the shell should break it down into argv[0] = "ls", argv[1] = "-a", and argv[2] = "-l". In the starter code, we provide a struct to hold the parsed command.

Handling Whitespaces

You should make sure your code is robust enough to handle various sorts of whitespace characters. In this PA, we expect your shell to handle any arbitrary number of spaces ( ) and tabs (\t) between arguments.

For example, your shell should be able to handle the following input: " \tls\t\t-a -l ", and still run the ls program with the correct argv array.

Splitting the arguments is very much like what you did in PA3 parsing URLs. We give a specific suggestion of a function for this PA:

The strtok() function

char *strtok(char *str, const char *delim);

The strtok() function breaks a string into a sequence of zero or more nonempty tokens. On the first call to strtok(), the string to be parsed should be specified in str. In each subsequent call that should parse the same string, str must be NULL. Read that last bit again - strtok is not like other functions we've used!

The delim argument specifies a set of characters that delimit the tokens in the parsed string.

Each call to strtok() returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the next token. If no more tokens are found, strtok() returns NULL.

The above paragraphs are taken directly from the Linux manual (except for "read that last bit again". Joe added that). Now let’s see this function in action:

Suppose we have the following string:

char str[32] = "A|BC|D E   |FGH   \n"

And we would like to break it down by any of '|', ' ', or '\n', which would leave us "A", "BC", "D", "E", and "FGH". We can write the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char str[32] = "  A|BC|D E   |FGH   \n";
    // break down the string at '|', ' ', and '\n' delimiters.
    char *tok = strtok(str, " |\n");
    while (tok) {
        printf("\'%s\'\n", tok);
        tok = strtok(NULL, " |\n");
    return 0;

And running this program gives us:


Note again that we try to break down (tokenize) the string using three possible delimiter characters: '|', ' ', or '\n', the delim string we pass to strtok() has these three characters: " |\n".

We think you will find strtok() very useful for your implementation!

Built-In Commands

Whenver your shell executes a command, it should check whether the command is a built-in command or not. Specifically, the first whitespace-separated value in the user input string is the command. For example, if the user enters ls -a -l tests/, we break it down into argv[0] = "ls", argv[1] = "-a", argv[2] = "-l", and argv[3] = "tests/", and the command we are checking for is argv[0], which is "ls".

If the command is one of the following built-in commands, your shell should invoke your implmementation of that built-in command.

There are three built-in commands to implement for this project: exit, cd, and history.

Built-in Command: exit

When the user types exit, your shell should call the exit system call with EXIT_SUCCESS (macro for 0). This command does not take arguments. If any is provided, the shell raises a usage error.

Built-in Command: cd

cd should be run with precisely 1 argument, which is the path to change to. You should use the chdir() system call with the argument supplied by the user. If chdir() fails (refer to man page to see how to detect failure), you should use call perror("cd") to print an error message. We will explain the perror() function in a later section.

Built-in Command: history

When the user enters the history command, the shell should print out the list of commands a user has ever entered in interactive mode.

(If you are on ieng6, open the ~/.bash_history file to take a look at all the commands you have executed. How far you’ve come this quarter!)

To do this, we will need to write the execution history to a file for persistent storage. Just like bash, we designate a hidden file in the user’s home directory to store the command history.

Our history file will be stored at ~/.pish_history. (You will find a function in the starter code that help you get this file path.)

When adding a command to history, If the user enters an empty command (0 length or whitespace-only), it should not be added to the history.

When the user types in the history command to our shell, it should print out all the contents of our history file, adding a counter to each line:

▶  history
1 history
▶  pwd
▶  ls
Makefile  pish  pish.c  pish.h	pish_history.c  pish_history.o  pish.o
▶  history
1 history
2 pwd
3 ls
4 history

Note that the number before each line is added by history. The contents of .pish_history should not contain the leading numbers.

Running Programs

If, instead, the command is not one of the aforementioned built-in commands, the shell treats it as a program, and spawns a child process to run and manage the program using the fork() and exec() family of system calls, along with wait().

Refer to the material from Week 9 for information on these system calls.

Excluded Features

Now because our shells are quite simple, there are a lot of things that you may be accustomed to using that will not be present in our shell. (Just so you are aware how much work the authors of the bash shell put into their product!)

You will not be able to

-use the arrow keys to navigate your command history, -use to autocomplete commands, -use the tilde character (~) to represent your home directory, -use redirection (> and <), -pipe between commands (|), -and many more…

Don’t be concerned when these things don’t work in your shell implementation!

If this were an upper-division C course, we would also ask you to implement redirection and piping, but it's [checks notes] week 10 already!

Handling Errors

Because the shell is quite a complex program, we expect you to handle many different errors and print appropriate error messages. To make this simple, we now introduce–

Usage Errors

This only applies to built-in commands. When the user invokes one of the shell’s built-in commands, we need to check if they are doing it correctly.

  • For cd, we expect argc == 2,
  • For history and exit, we expect argc == 1.

If the users enters an incorrect command, e.g. exit 1 or cd without a path, then you should call the usage_error() function in the starter code, and continue to the next iteration of the loop.

The perror() function

void perror(const char *s);

The perror() function produces a message on stderr describing the last error encountered during a library function/system call.

When printing the error message, perror() first prints whatever string s we give it, followed by a colon and a blank, followed by the error message.

Consider an example where we try to open a nonexistent file using fopen(), the call should fail and not return a valid FILE pointer, in which case, we call perror() to report the problem:

FILE *fp = fopen("noexist.txt", "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

If we run this program, we would get the following output:

open: No such file or directory

Errors to handle

You need to handle errors from the following system calls/library functions using perror(). Please pay attention to the string we give to perror() in each case and reproduce it in your code exactly.

  • fopen() failure: perror("open"),
  • chdir() failure: perror("cd"),
  • execvp() failure: perror("pish"),
  • fork() failure: perror("fork")

Getting Started

The starter code for this assignment is hosted on GitHub classroom. Use the following link to accept the GitHub Classroom assignment:

Github Classroom:

The Code Base

You are given the following files:

  • pish.h: Defines struct pish_arg for handling command parsing; declares functions handling the history feature.
  • pish.c: Implements the shell, including parsing, some built-in commands, and running programs.
  • pish_history.c: Implements the history feature.
  • Makefile: Builds the project.
  • ref-pish: A reference implementation of the shell. Note that in this version, the history is written to ~/.ref_pish_history rather than ~/.pish_history, to avoid conflict with your own shell program.

(Note: The reference implementation contains a few inconsistencies with the write-up. For instance, the reference program does not report an error when cding into a nonexistent directory. If such an inconsistency occur, please stick to the writeup!)

Running pish

First, run make to compile everything. You should see the pish executable in your assignment directory.

To run pish in interactive mode (accepting keyboard input), type

$ ./pish

Or, to run a script (e.g.,, type

$ ./pish

The same applies for the reference implementation ref-pish.

struct pish_arg

In pish.h, you will find the definition of struct pish_arg:

#define MAX_ARGC 64

struct pish_arg {
  int argc;
  char *argv[MAX_ARGC];

In our starter code, all functions handling a command (after it has been parsed) will be given a struct pish_arg argument.


This project once more requires you to think carefully about incremental development. There are many things to, how should you go about everything? In what order? Here’s one possibile plan:

  • Start from simple commands without any arguments, e.g., "ls".
  • After that, start implementing running programs with fork and exec.
  • Implementing input parsing using strtok(). Think about how to break down the line and put it into struct pish_arg.
  • Once command parsing is working, go on to implement the two simple built-in commands: exit and cd. Make sure to take care of error handling.
  • Next, make sure you can parse commands with arguments, e.g., "ls -a".
  • Next, make sure you can handle arbitrary whitespaces.
  • Make sure reading from a script file works just as well as from stdin.
  • Once that’s working, you can finish implementing the history command.
  • The list above is just a suggestion. You are of course encouraged to come up with your own implementation plan. But the most important thing is that you should have a plan!

Start early, start often!


You have a lot of freedom for how to implement this PA. You do not necessarily need to use malloc, but if you use dynamic memory allocation at any point, make sure you free everything properly. We will include a valgrind test when grading your assignment. So make sure there are no memory issues! (Memory leaks, invalid read/writes, using uninitialized variables, etc.)


  • Submit your code to Gradescope
  • We will run your program with make and ./pish in both interactive and batch mode
  • There are no design questions
  • is still required