UCSD CSE29 FA24 Syllabus and Logistics
- Aaron Schulman (Instructor)
- Joe Gibbs Politz (Instructor)
Basics - Schedule - Course Components - Staff & Resources - Grading - Policies
This page is under development! Check back closer to the start of the quarter for more.
FAQ/AFQ (Anticipated Frequent Questions)
Can I attend a lab section other than the one I'm enrolled in?
No, please do not try to do this. The lab sections have limited seating and are full. We cannot accommodate switching.
How can I switch sections?
You have to drop and re-add (which may involve getting [back on] the waitlist). Sorry.
Can I leave lab early if I'm done or have a conflict?
The labs are designed to not be things you can “finish”. Labs have plenty of extension and exploration activities at the end for you to try out, discuss, and help one another with. Co-located time with other folks learning the same things is precious and what courses are for. Also, if you need an extrinsic motivation, you won't get credit for participation if you don't stay, and participate, the whole time. We can often accommodate one-off exceptions – if you have a particular day where you need to leave early, it's a good idea to be extra-engaged in your participation so your lab leader can give you participation credit before you leave.
Do I have to come to lab?
Yes, see grading above.
What should I do if I'm on the waitlist?
Attend and complete all the work required while waitlisted (this is consistent with CSE policy).
I missed lab, what should I do?
You cannot makeup missed lab credit (but have a few “allowed” misses). Make sure you understand the material from lab because it will be used on skill demos and lab reports; try to do the parts that don't involve discussion on your own, and review your group's lab notes.
I missed a quiz deadline, what should I do?
You can submit it late until the end of the quarter. Generally we allow lots (think like 1/3 to 1/2) of the quizzes to be late without it impacting your grade, but do take them seriously before lab so you're prepared.
I missed a lab report deadline, what should I do?
Two weeks after each lab report deadline there is a late/resubmission deadline. You can resubmit then. See the lab report section above for grading details about resubmissions.
I missed a lab report resubmission deadline, what should I do?
You cannot get an extension on lab report resubmissions; we cannot support multiple late deadlines and still grade all the coursework on time.
I missed my skill demonstration time, what should I do?
Stay tuned for announcements about scheduling make-ups in finals week.
Where is the financial aid survey?
We do this for you; as long as you submit a quiz, lecture handout, or do a lab participation in the first two weeks, we will mark you as commencing academic activity.
When are the midterms scheduled?
The midterms will be flexibly scheduled during the quarter using a testing center. More details will come; you will need to set aside some outside-of-class time to do them, but there is not a specific class-wide time you have to put on your calendar.
I have a conflict with the final exam time, what can I do?
The final exam will also be flexibly scheduled during finals week using a testing center. We will likely have times available during the officially scheduled block, but other times will be available as well.